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【美银美林 Bofa】【全球基金经理调查:首次预期CN增长放缓】Global Fund Manager Survey



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【Global Fund Manager Survey|My Herd is my Bond】

原作者:Bofa Securities|Michael Hartnett



“Survey period 5th to 11th Jan 2024”“调查期为2024年1月5日至11日 ”



反向交易(Contrarian trades)包括做多中国、欧洲、银行、能源和低质量股票;

另一方面,反向空头头寸是在债券、瑰丽七(the Magnificent Seven )和美国市场;


Bottom Line: Fund Manager Survey (FMS) respondents are very optimistic on rate cuts and macro “soft” landing but Jan cash levels are up from 4.5% to 4.8% as bond market optimism tempered, and bonds driving the “herd”; BofA Bull & Bear Indicator up to 5.5,highest since Nov21, positioning not contrarian +ve; new catalysts (e.g. global growth) required for upside.

On Macro: FMS investors least pessimistic on global growth since Feb23, on profits since Feb22; “soft/no” landing say 79% vs. 17% say “hard” landing; in contrast, for 1 time since May’22, investors expect China growth to weaken.

On Rates, Crowds & Tails: both bond & equity investors say Fed #1 driver of price in ’24; record optimism on rate cuts (just 3% expect higher rates), but dip in optimism on bond yields; most crowded trade “long Magnificent Seven” & “long-duration tech” best way to play rate cuts, no longer “long 30-year Treasury.”

- 调查显示,基金经理对降息和全球经济实现“软着陆”非常乐观。

- 然而,随着债券市场乐观情绪的降温,1月份现金储备水平从4.5%上升至4.8%。

On AA, Regions & Sectors: rotation out of bonds into cash, out of banks into REITs (12-month high); global equity OW trimmed but largest OW in US stocks since Dec21; mass preference for “high-quality” but 1 st time since Jun’21 small-cap preferred to large.FMS Contrarian Trades: contrarian longs: China, Europe, banks, energy, low-quality stocks, all “soft landing” catch-up plays; contrarian shorts: bonds, US, the Magnificent Seven, vulnerable to “hard” & “no” landing outco

- 债券市场正在引导市场的投资方向

- BofA牛熊指标升至5.5,为自2021年11月以来最高水平,状况不是反向操作的正面信号

- 需要新的驱动力(如全球增长)才能推动市场进一步上涨





全球经济增长预期正在改善:近期,预期未来12个月全球经济将变得更强大的FMS投资者比例增加到了-40%(相比于2023年12月的-50%),达到了12个月的最高水平。同时,最近一个月的增长乐观情绪与全球股市价格上涨(MSCI ACWI同比增长20%)相吻合。

79% of FMS investors expect the global economy to experience either a "soft" or "no" landing in 2024, a 9-month high.Conversely, only 17% expect a "hard" landing, a 9-month low.Note the split between "hard," "soft," and "no" landing expectations in Jan24…17%, 71%, 7%


41% of FMS investors see no recession at all in 2024, a higher percentage than any other answer. Amongst FMS investors expecting a recession in 2024…21% say Q2, 20% Q3, 6% Q1, and 5% Q4.


Net 2% of FMS investors say a recession is likely in the next 12 months, down from 15% in Dec23 to a 19-month low.These improving expectations for the economy have coincided with less focus on the need for balance sheet improvement by corporates (43%).


FMS profit expectations at a 2-year high…net -21% of FMS investors expect global profits to improve in the next 12 months, highest since Feb22.Improvement in the lead indicator of ISM manufacturing new orders/inventories ratio typically moves together with rising profit optimism.


China growth expectations slumped back to “lockdown lows” and turned negative for the first time since May22, 6 months before the announcement of the reopening.Net 1% of FMS investors now expect a weaker Chinese economy in the next 12 months, down from net 6% who expected a stronger economy a month ago. Note investor optimism on China growth peaked in Feb23 (78%).


FMS investors have never been as bullish on short-term rates as in Jan24 (data going back to Apr01) …a record of 91% expect shortterm rates to be lower in the next 12 months, up from 87% in Dec23.


Investors turned slightly less bullish on bond yields post the 100bps rally in long-term rates over the past 2 months.55% expect lower bond yields in the next 12 months, down slightly from a record 62% in Dec23.


An outright majority (52%) of FMS investors sees the Fed as the most important driver of equity prices in 2024.Note that the Fed (i.e. rates) and corporate earnings gather 85% of FMS answers.


Over 2 out of 3 FMS investors think the Fed will be the most important driver of bond yields in 2024, well above those who see global growth (15%), US fiscal policy (9%), or the BoJ (5%) as the #1 driver.


FMS Financial Market Stability Risks Indicator rises to 3.0 from 2.5 on greater "geopolitical risk," "business cycle risk," and "counterparty risk".


US shadow banking becomes the #1 most likely source of a credit event in January, overtaking China real estate (now #2).Note that over 1 out of every 2 FMS investors still considers the real estate sector (US or China), as the #1 most likely source for a systemic credit event.



This chart shows the full history of the biggest “tail risk” for markets from BofA’smonthly Global Fund Manager Survey.The dominant concerns of investors since 2011 have been Eurozone debt & potential breakdown; Chinese growth; populism, quantitative tightening & tradewars, global coronavirus; now inflation/bond tantrum and central bank rate hikes.Geopolitics worsen the top “tail risk” at 25% of FMS investors; #2 Economic hardlanding, #3 High inflation.


This chart shows the full history of the most “crowded trade” according to BofA’smonthly Global Fund Manager Survey.The market leadership has been relatively narrow since 2013, shifting from high yielding debt; long US$; long Quality; long Tech; long Emerging Markets; long US Treasuries, long US tech & growth stocks, long Bitcoin, long commodities, long tech,long commodities, long US dollar, and long Magnificent Seven. Long Magnificent Seven is the most crowded trade (52%) followed by #2 ShortChina equities, #3 Long Japan equities, #4 Long 30-year US Treasury.

这段文字指出了根据BofA每月全球基金经理调查,最受追捧的交易种类的完整历史记录,并列举了市场自2013年以来的市场领导地位的变化:这些变化包括了高收益债券、看多美元、看多优质资产、看多科技股、看多新兴市场、看多美国国债、看多美国科技和成长股、看多比特币、看多大宗商品、看多科技股、看多大宗商品、看多美元和看多“Magnificent Seven”(指一组股票)等。其中,“Long Magnificent Seven”是最受追捧的交易种类(52%),其次是#2 Short China equities(看空CN股票市场)、#3 Long Japan equities(看多日本股票市场)和#4 Long 30-year US Treasury(看多30年期美国国债)。

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社区小红书:Ariston Wang



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